Assessment Center Training and Presentation of the Career Center of the University of Graz

  • Kdaj: četrtek, 21. november 2019, ob 10:30
  • Traja: 4 pedagoške ure /4 teaching hours
  • Kje: University of Maribor, Slomškov trg 15, Maribor, dvorana Severni stolp (Northern Tower)
  • Izvajalec: mag. Kathrin Neumann, Career Center of the University of Graz
  • Univerza/fakulteta: Univerza v Mariboru

Karierni center Univerze v Mariboru za študente in diplomante Univerze v Mariboru organizira praktično delavnico v angleškem jeziku: Assesment Center Training and Presentation of the Career Center of the University of Graz. Delavnica traja 4 pedagoške ure (s premori) in se zaključi ob 14.00.

Assessment Center je ocenjevalni proces, kjer udeleženci sodelujejo pri reševanju več različnih nalog, tim izurjenih opazovalcev pa jih opazuje in pri vsakem posebej oceni vnaprej določene in z delovnim mestom povezane oblike vedenja. Proces simulira uporabo kompetenc, ki jih zahteva specifično delovno mesto.

On Thursday, 21 November 2019 at 10:30, the Career Center of the University of Maribor organizes a practical workshop for UM students and graduates in English: Assessment Center Training and Presentation of the Career Center of the University of Graz. The workshop will last 4 teaching hours (with breaks) and end at 14:00. It will be carried out by Mag. Kathrin Neumann from the Career Center of the University of Graz.

The content of the workshop:

-Short presentation of the CAREER CENTER of the University of Graz and its activities for students

-Basics of the Assessment Center

-Case study presentation

-Practical work in groups

An assessment center is a process where candidates are examined to determine their suitability for specific types of employment. The candidates' personality and aptitudes are determined by techniques including interviews, group exercises, presentations, examinations and psychometric testing (Vir tukaj).

More about Assessment center here.

The number of participants is limited to 15, therefore, do not wait with your application.

You are kindly invited to take part.


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