How good am I in finding employment?
below you can find a short quiz of the Career Centre of the University of Maribor to check and deepen your knowledge regarding career orientation.
We wish you every success and fun in completing it.
Which method for entering the hidden job market is effective?
Looking for job vacancy notices in printed media
Registering at the Employment Service of Slovenia
Is it necessary to adapt the content of the cover letter and CV to the job post I am applying for?
Which photo is appropriate for a CV?
Why is it important to stress my competencies?
To let the employer know that I have already heard of this word.
An expert offering support in making career decisions and deciding on career goals.
A psychological test revealing the most appropriate profession for me.
What is usually included in a job application?
Cover letter, CV and proof of education.
Car insurance policy.
Only the photo.
Why is it so important for students and jobseekers to attend career or job fairs?
Because they can establish contacts with various employers in one place and in a short period of time.
Because they will measure their blood pressure and sugar.
Because each employer will thoroughly review their CV and tell them what to correct.
Is a career portfolio reasonable only for professions related to art?
Can posts of candidates on social networks affect the employer’s decision when selecting a candidate for the vacancy?
What can I expect, if the job interview invitation includes the information that the interview will last longer and that I should bring my glasses if I wear them?
The employer probably wants to check, if the glasses look good on me.
Besides the job interview, I will most probably undergo a knowledge or psychological testing.
The employer wants someone with glasses, because he/she looks for an employee who will not notice errors when issuing invoices.
How good am I in finding employment?
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